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October 2006

Fed up…

Been struggling for the last three hours to get the new design for the Oakleaf Circle site cross-browser compatible. Which means making it look right in IE6, as well as Firefix and Opera. M$, of course, have their own bowser standards that don’t nessessarily coincide with those of other browsers. Which means that only the […]

The Poet in Exile

The Poet in Exile by Ray Manzarek Ray Manzarek used to be the keyboardist with legendary group The Doors. This rather slim novel is a bit of a mixture – part-wish fullfillment fantasy, part roman a clef. For a Doors fan, the early, gossipy, bitchy roman a clef part is the most entertaining – you […]

Compare and Contrast:

Terrorists in Court (1) : This week a storythat made the front page in all the national press: a British Muslim pleaded guilty to “plotting mass murder through a series of terrorist outrages in the UK and the US“ In one of the few major successes for anti-terrorist investigators since September 11, Dhiran Barot, 34, […]

No title

Decided I’m probably going to dump the Amazon ads in the very near future. I’ve been using them on several sites for going on three years, putting their affliate link in the code whenever I mention a book or a film, and they’ve earned me the huge sum of £12.88 – in total. That’s not […]


I believe that is the correct expression to describe the emotion of joyful satisfaction, whilst using this type of electronic media communication thingy. Anyway, I have now got my computer up and running. Turned out the motherboard is perfectly OK. What was causing everything to stop was some incompatibility between the board and Win98. Basically, […]


I have spent the entire afternoon putting my computer back together and trying to make it work. And it doesn’t. To recap: a year ago, I bought a new motherboard. This worked fine for a few weeks, then showed signs of failure. I took it back to the shop, who told me the fault was […]

This Hurts My Head….

From: Texas father Wants to Ban “Fahrenheit 451” From His Child’s Scool “The book had a bunch of very bad language in it,” Diana Verm said. “It shouldn’t be in there because it’s offending people. … If they can’t find a book that uses clean words, they shouldn’t have a book at all.” Alton Verm […]

Where’s Soddin’ Morpheus When You Need Him?

I am having quite severe sleeping problems these days. I’ve always been a light sleeper, prone to wakefulness, but it was never a problem before. But over the last few years, when I developed knee trouble, then tendonitis, near-constant aching from some joint or other has made sleep difficult. So I seem to have got […]

How I’m feeling….

Yes, I’ve not posted lately. Been busy with lots of stuff, plus: And you run, you run to catch up with the sun, but it’s sinking Racing around to come up behind you again The sun is the same in a relative way, but you’re older Shorter of breath and one day closer to death […]