I’m a big fan of Serif software – I’ve been using their PagePlus DTP program since v2 – which came out sometime in the mid-90s. Since then I’ve also added two other Serif programs, Photoplus and Drawplus. I’m happy with the performance of all three and use them all the time. But until now, I’ve […]
Techie Stuff
It doesn’t look like I’ll be abandoning WordPress yet. The beta version of Ghost was released the other day and I promptly downloaded my freebie copy. However, I had second thoughts when I read the install instructions; simply getting it working on my development server required me to download four further pieces of software, including […]
Update on the audiobooks: The Kindle cable I ordered finally arrived yesterday, a full week after I’d ordered it. When I went to the audible.co.uk site to find out how to download my book, I had a distinct Homer Simpsom moment – I’d been so determined to download onto my Kindle that I’d completely missed […]
Busy with computing-related work. Got to get the Elfin Diary for next year finished pronto, which means spending days keyboarding in stuff. I really wish now I was better at programming – a bit of (relatively) simple VB or C++ magic would probably get the whole job done in hours instead of weeks. And I’m […]
Have spent the whole day designing! Decided this morning that the Elfin Diary site needed a spruce-up before the shop site opens and next year’s Diaries go on sale. Didn’t ask Caroline about it, and haven’t heard what she thinks of it. But even if she hates it and tells me to put it back […]
Well, it seems to be here at last. A couple of days of sun and warmth. Spent most of today in the garden, tidying up the grass mowings, then lounging with a book. I have been trying to get more exercise over th e last couple of weeks, mainly by walking up the hill opposite […]
Just had a look at the website of a local (minor) author – it’s one of the ugliest I’ve seen in a long while. It was produced by a supposedly professional design company. Going to their website and looking through their portfolio I found not only dozens of design-failure horrors – piss-poor in terms of […]
Don’t worry fans – I’m still here. Just not felt moved enough to write anything for a long time. Busy getting on with work, putting a customised ZenCart shop together for Elfin Diaries. It’s the first time I’ve worked with this particular ecommerce platform, and the last two weeks have been a steep learning curve. […]
I wish I could get more of a focus in my working life. I’ve got some web design projects I want to get on with, but can’t decide which to get on with properly. I start one, then decide I want to do something else for a while, then I find some interesting web page […]
Still very quiet here, still relaxing (mostly). I’m still working on updating three websites, and also thinking hard about changing the Oakleaf Circle site over to a CMS. At least twice in the past, I’ve attempted to do this but had to abandon the effort. However, since then I’ve had more practice using WordPress as […]