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Stupid Things I Have Seen

Adventures In Sounds

So I’m having some eye trouble at the mo – I’m constantly getting dry eyes, so that I have to limit my time reading and at the computer; I’ve already got through three tubes of carbomer gel in the last week. So I thought I’d explore the possibility of text-to-speech (TTS) stuff, so that I […]

So Last Night…..

….having another bout of insommnia, I stayed up. With nothing much on the TV, I resorted to my usual nighttime amusement of watching CNN with the sound turned off, trying to guess what they’re talking about purely from what’s on the screen. The culture divide and the insular nature of US news can make it […]

Just Had A Bit of Fun…

….with a spammer. Got this one this morning (URL munged so they don’t get any google goodness): Hi, I’ll take this opportunity to introduce myself, my name is Eddie Brown, very nice to meet you. I’m SEO expert working at iSEO Traffic. I came across while making a research for one of my partners […]

Film Review: Unknown

So, for the Winter Solstice Consumerfest, one of the daughters gave me a subscription to Lovefilm. So I’ve been finally enjoying some of the decent films that I’ve missed in recent years. But of course, not all of them have been good; the stinker so far has to be Unknown. I wasn’t expecting it to […]

Quantum Stupidity

Homeopathy with Dr. Werner Dr Werner is a homeopath and here she claims that the latest discoveries in science prove homeopathy. Unfortunately, all her video proves is how staggeringly ignorant she is about science. She confuses mass with density; she gets Einstein’s equation wrong; she thinks that Stephen Hawkings (sic) thought up String Theory (wrong); […]

Speaking B*ll*x (and other languages…)

I do a lot of online consumer and marketing surveys – it doesn’t pay much, but every little helps (most of the cost of the new mattress we bought last month came out of my survey money). Having been doing them for years, I’ve come across far too many badly designed surveys that don’t ask […]

Oh dear…..

Just been looking through the listings on a freelance writing jobs website. One that caught my eye: Horror torture tour scripts require someone with expieriance [sic] . Experience of what, exactly…?

Watching Me, Watching You…

Living in a remote(ish) rural paradise far from the milling wotsits, I tend to miss quite a lot of things going on in the rest of the country. For instance, I’ve only just become aware of this anti-terrorist poster poster campaign going on. It sounds like something dreamed up by a satirist; unfortunately, it’s not. […]

Mind Your Cs and Ks….

Long ago, in some history of advertising, I read that 70s British ad-makers had shorthand codes for the various TV commercial setups. The most-used setup of the time – two women in a kitchen discussing The Product – was called “Two Cs in a K”; ‘K’ standing for kitchen and ‘C’, well….. For some reason, […]

Stupid Things I Have Seen Pt 2901….

There’s a website called Fundies Say The Darndest Things! devoted to recording the inane/insane stuff that religious fundamentalists come out with on t’interwebs. It’s a pity there isn’t an equivalent site for Global Warming Denialists, as this (from one of my elists) would be a fine candidate: If a weatherman can’t get the weather right, […]