…..are pagan websites so generally awful? I’ve spent the last hour going through the listings on the Oakleaf Circle site, checking for dead links. There were some beautifully-designed sites there, but they were in the minority. Honestly I have never seen so many animated gifs, cheesy clipart, misused fonts and violent colour schemes (purple on black was the clear favourite, with lime-green on navy blue second) since the last time I browsed through the sites on an evangelical Christian webring.
One site was so horrible that I actually deleted the link – besides the usual array of migraine-inducing colours (every single link was in a different colour!) – it spelled ‘jewelery’ at least three different ways all over the front page, none of them correctly. Illiteracy seems to go together with repellent design.
Ack. I need to rest my eyes.
Hi Val!
I have to agree – obviously many pagan web sites are labours of love, but they do say that love can be blind 😉
A few that have particularly caught my eye for their look, feel, and overall beauty are:
Although not strictly pagan, but nevertheless containing lots of interest for pagans, is:
I also hope my own humble http://www.yewtreemagic.co.uk web site doesn’t offend the eyes too much – we spent months refining the design, graphics, and colours before we finally went on line, and continue to tweak it even now.
Martin, your site is quite lovely and not at all hard on the eyes!.
Thanks for the other URLs (my spam filter didn’t like them, hence the delay in your comment appearing); I’ll check them out.
I’m busy right now with putting together another design for this blog, so I’m looking at well-designed sites to get some ideas.
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