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Medical Update

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Had a blood test on Monday. Was rather surprised to get a phone call from my doctor this morning, as I’d been told the result wouldn’t be in until the end of this week.
However, it wasn’t anything too alarming. My thyroxine levels are seriously low (which I’d already already guessed, from my continual tiredness and lack of energy) and my med for that will have to be doubled. Plus, my cholesterol is high.
Being a veggie, that’s a somewhat unexpected finding – but Doc G did assure me that it might be due to my thyroid problem. Since all the cholesterol-lowering drugs that I’ve tried so far have had bad side-effects, I shall try to improve my diet; cut down on the eggs and cheese, cut out the fried stuff.
I’ve already downloaded a bunch of recipes from the Vegetarian Society. Doc G will be giving me a month before checking my blood again. So I’ll try the diet approach until then and see what it does for my cholesterol levels. I really don’t want to take any more pills than I absolutely have to; if it means giving up my scrambled eggs and my beloved cheese & pickle butties, than that’s what I’ll have to do.

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