…why do there seem to be only about three people interested in astrology in Galloway? Last November, I announced I was starting the Galloway Astrology Group, with an associated Yahoo group. I put up a notice in Castle Douglas’ occult shop, spread the word on every forum and email list, put the URL of the group in my email sig. A few friends joined, but the only local was Mairi McGowan of the Magic Broomstick, who has kindly offered the use of a room for meetings.
And that’s been pretty much all the activity so far. Since Yule, only two new people have joined the Yahoo group – a Greek bloke with an interest in astrology and a wife from Scotland; and, two days ago, somebody who hasn’t yet introduced themselves but has an earthlink.net email address – which would put them in the US. So I’ve altered the group’s description to make it completely clear that it’s primarily for locals (obviously “A group for people interested in serious astrology and living in Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland.” wasn’t explicit enough). I really want to have a group that meets IRL; I set up the Yahoo group as well because this is a thinly-populated rural area with poor transport links, so some people will have problems getting to meetings.
I’ve been thinking about shutting it all down; but I’ll give it until Samhain. See how it goes.