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So This is Newtonmass…..

At last the year is turning; winter is still hard and frosty, but summer is on its way. We’re promised a thaw in a few days – can’t come soon enough. Lovely as snow looks, it gets boring after three solid weeks. B is finally getting to see a consultant in Glasgow, next week. Hopefully, […]

….And Another Thing

In case I haven’t mentioned it before, I’m to be a granny again. This one will be my fourth, and is expected around Christmas.

More Reasons to be Cheerful….

So. Yesterday was my birthday, when I hit the Big One (count the candles on my cake and multiply by 10). And I aren’t ded yet! The day before (Sunday), Daughter no.2 and her husband came up, laden with prezzies, wine and a birthday cake – made by Daughter’s fair hands! A good day was […]

Reasons To Be Cheerful Part 372….

Whilst somewhat gloomily contemplating the fact that I’ll be collecting my bus pass next month, I read a message from Son on Facebook. Earlier he had posted a Youtube link to his current favourite bit of music. I posted back that I liked it and would be “stealing it for my iPod”. Son has just […]

Back to Plan B….

I won’t be getting paid as soon as I thought, so all that lovely Yule spending is off. Botheration. No camera, no new whizzy-fast computer. And no prezzies for anyone. (Not that I could have afforded to match the iPhone that Grandchild no.2 received for her birthday last Tuesday – but sending her a gift […]


A parcel arrived this morning for me. Large and lumpy, covered in silver wrapping paper and marked “!!Not to be opened before March 8th!!”. It’s vaguely handbag-shaped. But it’s from Daughter no.2, who knows I don’t Do Handbags. I shall hide it away at the top of some inaccessible cupboard. And do my best not […]

Peed Orf…

Did not get to Preston today. Got to the coach and got told extremely brusquely that it was fully booked and I couldn’t get a ticket. I had wondered if I should book a seat beforehand. But I couldn’t put any money on my PAYG card until yesterday, and it takes at least a day […]

And the Winner of the Knobbly Knees Contest is…

Ack. My left knee has decided to make trouble again. For the last two days, it’s been stiff, painful and achey. Not only that, but it looks like a King Edward potato that’s come third in a Humourous Vegetables contest. So I’m doing as little walking as possible. Hopefully, it should have sorted itself by […]