At last the year is turning; winter is still hard and frosty, but summer is on its way. We’re promised a thaw in a few days – can’t come soon enough. Lovely as snow looks, it gets boring after three solid weeks. B is finally getting to see a consultant in Glasgow, next week. Hopefully, […]
In case I haven’t mentioned it before, I’m to be a granny again. This one will be my fourth, and is expected around Christmas.
So. Yesterday was my birthday, when I hit the Big One (count the candles on my cake and multiply by 10). And I aren’t ded yet! The day before (Sunday), Daughter no.2 and her husband came up, laden with prezzies, wine and a birthday cake – made by Daughter’s fair hands! A good day was […]
Whilst somewhat gloomily contemplating the fact that I’ll be collecting my bus pass next month, I read a message from Son on Facebook. Earlier he had posted a Youtube link to his current favourite bit of music. I posted back that I liked it and would be “stealing it for my iPod”. Son has just […]
I won’t be getting paid as soon as I thought, so all that lovely Yule spending is off. Botheration. No camera, no new whizzy-fast computer. And no prezzies for anyone. (Not that I could have afforded to match the iPhone that Grandchild no.2 received for her birthday last Tuesday – but sending her a gift […]
A parcel arrived this morning for me. Large and lumpy, covered in silver wrapping paper and marked “!!Not to be opened before March 8th!!”. It’s vaguely handbag-shaped. But it’s from Daughter no.2, who knows I don’t Do Handbags. I shall hide it away at the top of some inaccessible cupboard. And do my best not […]
Did not get to Preston today. Got to the coach and got told extremely brusquely that it was fully booked and I couldn’t get a ticket. I had wondered if I should book a seat beforehand. But I couldn’t put any money on my PAYG card until yesterday, and it takes at least a day […]
Ack. My left knee has decided to make trouble again. For the last two days, it’s been stiff, painful and achey. Not only that, but it looks like a King Edward potato that’s come third in a Humourous Vegetables contest. So I’m doing as little walking as possible. Hopefully, it should have sorted itself by […]