Busy with computing-related work. Got to get the Elfin Diary for next year finished pronto, which means spending days keyboarding in stuff. I really wish now I was better at programming – a bit of (relatively) simple VB or C++ magic would probably get the whole job done in hours instead of weeks. And I’m […]
Have made a start on selling my photographs and set up an account at PhotoBoxGallery where people can buy prints; at the mo, I’ve only uploaded a few landscape photos. I have an old account at RedBubble, where I’ll probably sell my more ‘arty’ stuff; there’s just a few old images there now – when […]
Well, it seems to be here at last. A couple of days of sun and warmth. Spent most of today in the garden, tidying up the grass mowings, then lounging with a book. I have been trying to get more exercise over th e last couple of weeks, mainly by walking up the hill opposite […]
Don’t worry fans – I’m still here. Just not felt moved enough to write anything for a long time. Busy getting on with work, putting a customised ZenCart shop together for Elfin Diaries. It’s the first time I’ve worked with this particular ecommerce platform, and the last two weeks have been a steep learning curve. […]