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Went around the Co-op this afternoon for a few things. Absorbed in the cleaning section, it took me a few moments to recognise the song that was being played on the store radio – The Rolling Stones with Let’s Spend The Night Together. Instantly I flashed back forty years, to hot, crowded rooms rank with […]
“Live like Ann Frank in a lovely Amsterdam attic”. Entire top floor apartment located just opposite the Anne Frank house. A very nice location, Dam square 5 minutes walk and all the major attractions, restaurants, and night life within walking distance. The Jordaan area is home to many students, artists, and young professionals. This lively […]
…last night. The phone rang, the display showing a mobile number. I picked it up and a mechanical voice started reading out gobbleygook. It sounded like random characters, no recognisable words (apart from what sounded like ‘troll’), with a great many “semi-colon”s and “zero”s. I eventually worked out that somebody was text-messaging our landline. However, […]
Getting off Verapamil wasn’t so easy as it appeared. It’s thankfully gone now, but for the last three days, I had a continual headache; looking at various medical sites, it fitted all the signs of a Tension Headache – slightly stiff neck, runny nose, getting worse through the day. And I’ve been having lots to […]
I’ve taken myself off the Verapamil tablets; six months is long enough to try it out, and it really wasn’t doing me a lot of good. The main problem was that it made me fuzzy-headed all the time; I couldn’t think very well and everything felt ‘flat’ and dull. It was the mental equivalent of […]
I have finally got Linux installed on the old laptop, and am now able to blog from anywhere in the house – at the moment, I am comfortably ensconced on the sofa. Having all but given up on the idea, after having so many failures, I discovered Puppy Linux. This runs on just 94 Meg […]
OK, I’m a sucker for competitions. There’s one running at the mo to find the “coolest” WordPress blog. Irritatingly, the organisers don’t give any indication of what they regard as “cool”. So I can suppose that it’s all a matter of opinion and that this blog has as good a chance as any of qualifying. […]
Just been out to fill up a bucket of coal for the night. And the Moon is looking gorgeous – nearly full and high in the sky, surrounded by hazy clouds with a hint of a full-circle rainbow. I tried to take a photo, but my camera is so crappy that all I got was […]
For me, the big event of the day was an exact astrological opposition between Uranus and Saturn. So I’ve avoided getting involved in any celestial pile-ups by spending my time at the pooter, struggling to get to grips with Joomla. My long-awaited Building Websites With Joomla 1.5 arrived last week, but I was too busy […]