I don’t mind cats, actually. I quite like them, and am always polite to any felines I happen to meet. However, I don’t like ‘cat people’, people who can’t seem to go five minutes without talking about or looking at or fussing over their pets.
Charlie Stross’ blog is one of the places I go to to escape the purring pussies. Charlie is an SF writer, a geek, an avowed opponent of all kinds of New Age nonsense. And, importantly, a bloke – a properly beardy, BLOKEY bloke. So, by all the immutable laws of the Universe, he ought to be a cat-free zone.

But, nooooooo!!!!!! In the course of two days, he has posted TWO cat pictures. Not cats eating birds or disembowelling mice, or having stuff piled on top of them, or being posed in post-modernly ironic costumes, or anything like that. But cats – his OWN CATS!!! – being cute!!
Horribly cute! Unberarably cute! Gazing at the camera with incredible soppiness, just begging to be picked up and AHHHHHED over.
Aaaaahhhh- Nooooo! I must not succumb to these demons – my eyeballs will explode! For the love of God, somebody please tell him about Kitten War! Then he can post all the cute-kitty piccies he has online, without me having to look at them and fall under their ghastly spell of cuteness!