Feeling quite optimistic today, for several reasons. First, I finished a big chunk of work that’s been grinding me down for weeks. Then, I was able to pay the coalman when he called. Then, when the post arrived, it didn’t contain any bills!
After that, when we collected Son and went to town for our weekly shopping, I got to the cash machine and discovered that I had a chunk of money in there that I’d paid in last week and forgotten about. Hoping that I was having a lucky streak, I bought a couple of scratchcards. But that seemed to be the end of my lucky streak.
Neverthe less, the day continued well – I was able to spend the afternoon relaxing (instead of working!), in front of a blazing fire while Son energetically chopped more wood for the fire outside and B prepared supper.
I’ve more work to get on with, but it can wait till tomorrow, for a change.

Right now, I’m going to go to the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch site and report in yesterday’s sightings of the birds in the garden. I’m not sure yet if they weant you to report just the birds that alighted and were feeding, or every bird you saw. There weretits, thrushes, blackbirds and chaffinches in the garden, going to and from John & Pauline’s bird-feeder. But I also saw a jay and a pair of collared doves in the trees across the road, and our local buzzard swooping overhead. Do they count? I’ll have to see.