Month: November 2006

This is not Sylvia Browne’s blog

In cas you hadn’t heard of the lady, Sylvia Browne is a famous American pyschic greedy heartless fraud. She appears on a weekly TV show, sells books, and…

Brain fluff….

Another day of illness – sometime in the early hours, I woke up with another tachycardia attack. I’ve had these attacks on and off for about thirty years,…

How Not To Write (2)

I’m well behind with reading the regular SF-news newsletters from Dave Langford of Ansible (and if you have no idea what an ansible is, you ain’t an SF…

Unholy Alliance…?

Kevin Leitch has been digging up evidence of a growing alliance between the Unification Church (AKA“The Moonies”) and Scientology. What Kevin has uncovered so far sounds a lot…

Reincarnation? Sorted!

Funny thing is the human mind. Or at least, mine is. I remember, four or five years ago, I was walking home one day. It was just an…

Rat Brain Art

OK, this BBC news item is over three years old. But true weirdness doesn’t date. Meet the latest spaced out modern artist – a picture-drawing robot arm in…